Saturday, December 11, 2010

Get A Grip !!! Dec 10,2010 Westboro Baptist Church

It seems that so-called Preacher John Phelps and his band of rag a muffins are at it again.. You may remember that earlier this year the hate-mongers from the Westboro Baptist church of Topeka Kansas picketed the funeral of a Marine who was KIA.
  The Parents called the police and had them removed, they sued for 1st Amendment Rights, and won. The Parents of the fallen Marine had to pay thousands of dollars to this yahoo.
 My feelings for these idiots is no mystery.. I detest anybody who harms or tarnish's a military funeral, or hurt a grieving family.. I hope You all will sound off with me against this atrocity, because they are at it again

 This time it seems they plan to boycott the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Senator John Edwards. Elizabeth recently lost her six-year struggle with Breast Cancer. And now because of her views on Homosexuality her funeral in Raliegh, N.C. will be targeted by the WBC.

WBC came to national awareness in 1998 after the group picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, who was beaten to death for being gay. The group pickets every day in the Topeka area, and travels nationally to picket events that are likely to get widespread coverage. Westboro officials claim to have held over 41,000 protests since 1991, picketing events ranging from military funerals to high school theater productions.
Last year, the group picketed Michael Jackson's funeral and released a recording called "God Hates the World" to the tune of "We Are the World," a charity song that Jackson sang on.

I wrote Get a Grip on these so called church goers after the Snyder incident
"The US Supreme Court is set to hear a high-stakes battle over free speech on Wednesday in an appeal filed by the father of a US Marine killed in Iraq who claims his son’s funeral in 2006 was disrupted and ruined by an antigay protest

Albert Snyder had won a $5 million jury verdict against the Rev. Fred Phelps and members of his Westboro Baptist Church for intentional infliction of emotional distress and violating the sanctity of the funeral of his son, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder. But the judgment was later reversed by a federal appeals court panel that ruled that despite the offensive nature of the protests conducted by the Westboro members, their activities were protected by the First Amendment.
Mr. Phelps is well-known nationally for his fire-and-brimstone opposition to homosexuality. Since 2005, he and members of his Topeka, Kansas-based church have organized protests at military funerals of service members who are not gay in an effort to attract public attention to their cause.
The group believes that God hates homosexuality and is punishing America for its growing acceptance of gay rights by killing US troops overseas.
Family members and others at military funerals have complained about the protests. But Phelps and his supporters insist they have a constitutional right to carry their message to the people at the funerals.
“Snyder had one (and only one) opportunity to bury his son and that occasion has been tarnished forever,” wrote Mr. Snyder’s lawyer, Sean Summers of York, Pa., in his petition urging the high court to take up the case. “Snyder deserved better. Matthew deserved better. A civilized society deserved better.”

 Now WBC is going to N.C. but there is word that a human buffer chain is going to be in place to prevent these clowns from disrupting another grieving family.
What is going on in this world when a so called church spreads hate?
 On Oct 30, 2010 a group protected the funeral of Pfc Dylan Reid, and they plan to do the same with Elizabeth Edwards. People who dont even know her plan to help stop the WBC Protest... With signs like "God Hates You", " God Loves Dead Soilders" there will be a show down , between what I call good and evil (WBC).
 I recently learned that there is a Facebook move on to counter act ever protest by the WBC.
 To the Westboro Baptist Church group.  I think the only t5hing that you are missing are the white sheets and burning cross, to complete your campaign.
 I hold no ill will against Gay's, I have two family members who are. I Thank God for the military fighting for my freedom.
 You Mr. Phelps are protesting against everything that I believe, and that is FREEDOM of CHOICE..
When they pass and stand in
front of their maker, I wonder how strong their beliefs will be then??
 Sound off if you agree with me..........
 Levi Moore

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Get A Grip Nov 30,2010

I viewed a video of a women ( I use the term loosely) named Jessica, who is a Mormon. 

I became sickened to my stomach to the point of tears. Then I found out that Dr Phil had her on his show.

I cant believe Dr Phil would put that b*tch on TV and not in jail.

 Are the ratings that important to you that you would do this, instead of contacting the authority's?

Hey Dr Phil you and your production staff should be charged for with holding information.. Your a Lowlife to exploit such a heinous act of child abuse.

After the posting of the .....So called mother.. and my rather crude remarks.. I have had no less then 5 of you asking me about it.. So I felt that I would explain my , let's say circumstances about child and women abuse...

I have a Degree in Psychology.
I worked for a county Community Services for Battered Women and Abused Children.
My license was revoked when I was talking to one of my kids abusive Father.
He looked me right in the eye and said "there is not a damn thing you can do about the way I discipline my son.
I will discipline my child the way i see fit." He caught the boy with a lighter so he burned the 9 yr old on the kitchen stove. Another incident the boy spilled paint, The Father taped the boy to a chair and put him into a closet for 2 days.
Well after his remark I couldn't take it.

I grabbed a lamp from my desk and beat him.
Seeing as I was an employee of the County Services and the boys counselor they felt that having me charged with attempted murder and about 8 other charges was not in the best interest of the Child Services Agency. Especially after my recommendation was that the boy be removed for his safety.

They revoked my license and said I could not practice in the state any more. So I moved my family back to Pennsylvania, where I started driving truck..
I don't apologize for what I have done, nor said. I feel that abuser's of women and children as about the worst thing on this planet..

I can not believe that Dr. Phil would receive a blatant video of child abuse, and PUT HER ON TV.
What the hell is this country coming to???
Please someone tell me. Instead of a guest spot on the Dr. Phil Show I think she should have had an all expense paid vacation to the Iron Bar resort..

OK .maybe I need to reiterate my view about the abusive mom.. YES I SAID ABUSIVE..
 First off you cant compare adult military shows to this.. Second as older adults alot of have had soap put into our mouths for swearing (some of us more then 20 times).
 When you watch the video maybe you didn't see the other signs. 

1. Do you think the amount she put in his mouth was justified??  
NO and to add to it she made him swish it around.. You could tell the child was crying 
2. The cold shower was for getting a card at school?
 Obviously the temperature extremity torture is something this women learned from a military movie where it has been hinted that this is used to interrogate prisoners. In the under world it is very effective on a little larger scale.
3.  When she was talking to him on the sink, did YOU NOTICE how the boy flinched in a defensive manner when the mom raised her voice?
 You don't flinch unless your scared or surprised. The boy was not surprised, she was yelling in the same loud voice. But she made the You Better Not" remark, leading me to believe that he has probably been hit. I used to scream and rant (Like I am Now) when my kids messed up BUT they never flinched. They knew I was just yelling. This child was expecting to get hit..
4. This punishment was for the lie he was supposed to have told.. 
 I guess i am the only person in the world who has told a lie because I was afraid of the person asking  i.e. my Mom, the Police, or My Drill Instructor. Did you eat the cookies?  No Mom. ...Were you speeding? No Officer... Maggot.. did you wear your shower shoes... Yes Sir.
 No lie is good but you must remember that CHILDREN are LEARNING... ! Why Because they don't know any better yet, and as a parent it is your responsibility to teach them, in a firm BUT loving manner.

 My passion on this child abuse subject runs very deep and passionate (having been one). I'm also the one who can't mind his own business when I'm in public and see some Jabronie hitting a Women.
 So as the debate rages on I sit and wonder... What does she do to him if he really mess's up?
 I can not ponder on this too long because it makes my stomach hurt, and the veins pop out in my neck as my blood pressure rises..
 Why aren't the authority's doing something?? The Adoption Agency? Or Dr Phil..
 I rant and I rave to make a point and maybe help some one.. I have had a few messages to that effect.

 Here is one that touched me  this is an excerpt from the post 
"I pray that for everyone involved including myself not to judge be a better parent and pray some more until this doesn't happen again. I have to say i cant wait until my son comes home from school so i can hug him as tight as i can ask god to forgive me for all the wrong things i might have said or done thank him for being blessed and tell my son and god how much i love him like this lady should have done to this child. I pray that this child finds what he so deserves, love. Next time when my son has done something wrong I'm going to try to think twice on how i deal with it. Thank u god for this child and Levi for reminding me how i am truly blessed for my son and making me taking a good look at myself....." Pamela Stewart

 If  but one person I help, then success be mine. 
The remarks made by Pamela filled my heart with warmth and a satisfaction knowing that at least one person has had their eyes opened.
Below is the link to the video.. Hopefully someone  in the adoption agency will see this and help this child.

 This is just my opinion ... and my name is 
Levi William Moore